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WE-CAN Application

Thank you for your interest in the WE-CAN Project which is led by Queen’s Partnerships and Innovation as a part of Queen's University.

The mission of WE-CAN is to inspire and empower existing and aspiring women entrepreneurs by providing them with tools, resources, expert mentors, networks and community building to expand existing businesses and to launch new ventures.

By answering the following questions, you will help us determine your eligibility for WE-CAN’s various programs and services.

The WE-CAN Project is open to all women-identifying entrepreneurs in the greater Kingston and Bay of Quinte regions.

In certain cases where there is a limited number of spaces available for programs or boot camps, priority will be given to the following groups:

  • Indigenous women
  • Women of colour
  • Newcomer women to Canada
  • Women with a disability
  • Women-identifying members of the LGBTQ2S community
  • Women in tech
  • Women in health and wellness
  • Women-identifying Queen’s staff members
  • Woman-identifying Queen’s faculty members

When you submit this application, a link to a questionnaire will be sent to you and each person that you have identified as a co-founder, partner or co-owner. This questionnaire will ask you to self-identify for the purposes of determining eligibility to the streams of programs and services that are available via the WE-CAN Project. This questionnaire is confidential and will only be used for the purpose of determining your eligibility to access WE-CAN programs and services. We ask that you complete this questionnaire as soon as possible in order to ensure a quick turn around on your application.

Once we receive your application, the Queen's Partnerships and Innovation team will review it and respond with any questions we may have within 3-5 business days.

If you have any questions about WE-CAN, please reach out to Kerry Ramsay, WE-CAN Project Manager at kerry.ramsay@queenus.ca.


About You

Contact Info

Please provide the address that your venture is working from. For example, use your home address if that is normally where you run your venture from, or use the address of the place where your venture might lease, rent or work from if different from your home address.

Queen's Affiliation (Not required for program eligibility)

Do you have a relationship with Queen's University? If so, please tell us how you are related to Queen's. This information is NOT used to determine whether you are eligible for the program.

(Please check all that apply)

About Your Venture

Description of Your Venture

(If not, we will refer to your business by your name and then we will assign your business a reference number that will be used for reporting purposes)

Your Role in the Venture

Check all that apply

(ex Founder, Co-Founder, CEO, President, Principal, etc)

If you have any additional Co-Founders, Partners or Team members that are not exclusively employees of your venture, please check YES. A panel will open that will allow you to provide us with information on this/these person/persons.
Additional Founders/Owners/Partners/Team Members

Contact Info

Company Role

Check all that apply

(ex Founder, Co-Founder, CEO, President, Principal, etc)

Queen's Affiliation (Not required for program eligibility)

Does this person have a relationship with Queen's University? If so, please tell us how this person is related to Queen's. This information is NOT used to determine whether you are eligible for the program.

(Please check all that apply)

Goals and Support

Sustainable Development Goals

Queen's University supports the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals - 17 goals that are a collection of independent but interconnected goals carefully designed to give all of us on our planet a better future. Please select any of the goals listed below that are a core objective in your venture.

You can learn more about these goals by going UN Sustainable Development Goals Section There are many materials available that discuss the goals and how business can participate and be a part of attaining these goals. An example of this can be found at Business For Good (QPI is not affiliated with BIGI).


Privacy and Personal Information

Queen's University collects personal information under the authority of the Royal Charter of Queen's University and in accordance with Ontario’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). Queen’s University collects only the personal information which is necessary for it to administer its programs and activities and carry out its services and functions . The personal information is used by employees of the University who need the information to carry out their duties for the purposes for which it was collected or for a consistent purpose. Personal information is retained only as long as is necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which it is collected. The University has in place mechanisms to protect the security of the personal information it collects.

What is Personal Information?

'Personal Information' is defined in FIPPA as recorded information about an identifiable individual. An individual's personal information includes information regarding his or her race, gender, home address, medical history, education history, identifying numbers (e.g. SIN, employee number, student number, etc.), financial or employment information, personal opinions, completed assignments and exams, and grades, comments and evaluations provided by an instructor.

If you have a concern about the collection, use or disclosure of your personal information at Queen's University, please contact the Chief Privacy Officer, Carolyn Heald at access.privacy@queensu.ca.